Automotive Innovation Award selection procedure

Countless Dutch companies and organizations are developing, testing, and improving products and services in and around the automotive industry. The Automotive Innovation Award Foundation aims to provide a platform for these innovations and awards prestigious prizes every two years to promising innovations that have been developed in the Netherlands or have a strong connection to the country.

Are you working on a groundbreaking innovation in the automotive sector? An innovation with a significant impact on mobility, customers, and/or society? Enter your innovation for the Automotive Innovation Award. Put your innovation in the spotlight, within the industry and for the general public. All submissions will be considered for the grand prize and the following three categories: sustainability, safety, and accessibility. The winners will receive a beautiful award and can expect a lot of publicity. The entry deadline is October 15, 2023.

Members of the jury

An expert and completely independent jury judges all entries, nominates at most 5 innovations per category, and picks the finalists and winners.

Jan Peter Balkenende

Professor of Governance, Institutions and Internationalisation at Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam - Jury chair

Dariu Gavrila

Professor Intelligent Vehicles at TU Delft

Marieke Martens

Director of Science Traffic and Transport TNO and Professor Automated Driving & Human Interaction TU/e


CEO / Co-founder Felyx

Petrouschka Werther

Director Sustainable Mobility at MinIenW


Director Product & Services Planning at DAF Trucks

Selection procedure

Step 1: Application

Register your innovation via the registration form on the website until October 15, 2023. All registrations will participate in the following four awards:
• The Automotive Innovation Award
• The Sustainable AIA
• The Safe AIA
• The Accessible AIA

Step 2: Explanation of the innovation

Fully complete the extensive questionnaire and provide visual material. Afterwards, the organization will contact you for a telephone interview to explain your registration orally. Additional information may also be requested.
Period: until early October 2023 (depending on the submission date)

Step 3: Announcement of all innovations

In October, we will publish all submitted innovations on this website. You will have to provide an article and visual material at the time of registration.
Period: mid-October 2023

Step 4: Assessment of innovations and announcement of nominees

The organization then conducts an extensive analysis, focusing on innovation strength, impact, and implementation. See this PDF for details.

The jury will nominate a maximum of five innovations per award for the next round. The organization will announce the nominees in early December, and they will receive an invitation to the jury meeting.
Period: late October 2023 - early November 2023

Step 5: Presentation to the jury and announcement of finalists

During the jury meeting, the nominees will have the opportunity to pitch their innovation, followed by a Q&A session. The jury will evaluate the nominated innovations based on the registration form, any additional documentation, the extensive analysis, and the elevator pitch. Afterwards, the jury will determine which three innovations will advance to the final round for each award. The organization will announce the finalists in early December.
Period: early December 2023 (depending on jury availability)

Step 6: Production of films

Once the finalists are announced, we will produce films showcasing the innovations. The films will be presented during the award ceremony.
Period: December 2023 - January 2024

Step 7: Announcement of the winners

The Automotive Innovation Awards will be presented during the exclusive automotive innovation dinner on Monday, February 5, 2024. During an engaging evening program, we will present the innovations that made it to the finals and announce the winners chosen by the jury.
Date: Monday, February 5, 2024